An uncontested divorce is one where the parties have reached an agreement on all issues related to their divorce. This includes child custody, visitation, child support, alimony, division of assets, division of debts, and payments for the preparation and filing of the divorce documents.
Typically in this situation, one party will hire an Alabama divorce attorney to draft the documents necessary to file the divorce. The other party should, but does not always, hire an attorney to represent him or her to make sure the agreement is fair.
Once all the documents are signed and filed, the documents must sit in the clerk’s office or judge’s office for a minimum of 30 days. This is called a “cooling-off period.” Once this period has expired, the judge can sign the Final Decree of Divorce. With the current caseload being experienced in our family courts, it typically takes 31 to 60 days for a divorce decree to be signed.